Réunion du Conseil aux Nations Unies à Genève

1-2 Juillet 2016

Meeting of the Council of Socialist International

UNOG, 1 July 2016
Welcome Remarks by Mr. Michael Møller, United Nations Under-Secretary-General, Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva... Read more

Sosyalist Enternasyonal İstanbul için saygı duruşu ile başladı 

Gercekmuhabir.com, 1 July 2016
Sosyalist Enternasyonal Konsey toplantısı Cenevre’deki Birlermiş Milletler merkezinde, SE Başkanı George Papandreu başkanlığında başladı... Read more

Asiedu Nketia leads NDC to attend Socialist International Conference 

Kasapafmonline.com, 1 July 2016
A high-powered delegation of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) left Accra today for Geneva to attend a Council Meeting of the Socialist International (SI) Forum... Read more


La délégation tchadienne à Genève 

Makaila.fr, 1 July 2016
Depuis ce matin, Saleh Kebzabo, leader de l’Union Nationale pour le Développement et le Renouveau (UNDR), élu à la dernière présidentielle au Tchad et Mahamat Ahmat Alhabo, Secrétaire Général adjoint du Parti pour les Libertés et le Développement (PLD)... Read more


TDP, Sosyalist Enternasyonal toplantısına katılıyor

Havadiskibris.com, 1 July 2016 
Toplumcu Demokrasi Partisi (TDP), Sosyalist Enternasyonal’in Olağan Konsey toplantısına ilk kez resmi olarak katılacak. TDP’den yapılan açıklamaya göre, genel başkan Cemal Özyiğit ile parti meclisi üyesi Barış... Read more



Weverton participa de encontro da Internacional Socialista em Genebra 

www.blogdojuracifilho.com, 2 July 2016 
O líder do PDT na Câmara Federal, deputado Weverton Rocha, está em Genebra, na Suiça, participando da reunião do Conselho Internacional Socialista (IS), na sede das Organizações das Nações Unidas (ONU)... Read more



Conselho Mundial da Internacional Socialista 

Weverton Rocha, 2 July 2016



In video and text; Mr. Pira gives a speech in Geneva

Saadi Ahmed Pira, Member of PUK Political Bureau and Chief of General relations office, in Erbil, attended Council... Read more
PUK Media, 4 July 2016


Socialist International supports Kurdish ‘call for self-determination

Rudaw.net, 2 July 2016
Socialist International (SI), the worldwide organization of 153 progressive political parties, officially supports the Kurdish "call for self-determination" and praises the crucial role Peshmerga forces play "in fighting terrorism."... Read more


PUK Participate at Council of Socialist International Meeting in Geneva  

Millet Press, 5 July 2016
Saadi Ahmed Pira, Member of PUK Political Bureau and Chief of General relations attended Council - Socialist International organization in Geneva as a representative of Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) and gave a speech in the conference... Read more

CPDS participa en Ginebra en una reunión de la Internacional Socialista. Intervención de Andrés Esono Ondó

Asodeguesegundaetapa.org, 2 July 2016
Una delegación de CPDS compuesta por su Secretario General, Andrés Esono Ondo, y su Secretario de Relaciones Internacionales, el Doctor Wenceslao Mansogo Alo... Read more


Gambia: Meeting of the Council of the Socialist International United Nations, Geneva, 1-2 July 2016

Freedom Newspaper, 2 July 2016
Declaration on The GambiaConsidering that the government security forces have violently repressed demonstrators demanding electoral reform and the right to free speech in Gambia... Read more


The Council of the Socialist International Adopted Resolution on Belarus

Charter97.org, 4 July 2016
The Council of the Socialist International affirms its assistance to and solidarity with the democratic opposition of Belarus... Read more


Speech of Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP-IRAN) Abroad Committee 

The Socialist International Council Meeting at the United Nations headquarter in Geneva... Read more
KDP Press, 1 July 2016


Internacional Socialista alerta sobre abusos contra presos políticos Manuel Rosales, Leopoldo López y Antonio Ledezma

Manuelrosalesporvenezuela.com, 5 July 2016
A través de una resolución, la Internacional Socialista aboga por un diálogo sincero entre la oposición y el gobierno, así como por la liberación de los presos políticos... Read more



La Internacional Socialista emite resolución ante crisis que atraviesa Venezuela

La Patilla, 4 July 2016 
A través de una resolución, la Internacional Socialista aboga por un diálogo sincero entre la oposición y el gobierno, así como por la liberación de los presos políticos... Read more



بەشداری هەیئەتێکی حیزبی دێموکراتی کوردستان لە کۆبونەوەی ڕێکخراوی سۆسیالیست 

KDP-Iran, 2 July 2016
هەیئەتێکی حیزبی دێموکراتی کوردستان لە کۆبونەوەی ڕێکخراوی سۆسیالیست
ئەنترناسیونال‌دا بەشداری کرد کە لە... Read more


La Internacional Socialista emite resolución por agravamiento de la crisis en Venezuela 

800 Noticias, 2 July 2016
Este sábado, la Internacional Socialista emitió una resolución en referencia a la situación política y social que vive Venezuela. La organización mundial de partidos socialdemocrátas, socialistas y laboristas... Read more



Resolución de la Internacional Socialista sobre Venezuela Democracia y Diálogo 

Aperturaven.blogspot.co.uk, 4 July 2016
La Internacional Socialista expresa profunda preocupación por el agravamiento de la crisis política, social e institucional venezolana y deplora que el gobierno... Read more


La Internacional Socialista emite resolución ante crisis que atraviesa Venezuela 

Report24.org, 5 July 2016
A través de una resolución, la Internacional Socialista aboga por un diálogo sincero entre la oposición y el gobierno, así como por la liberación de los presos políticos... Read more


The social democratic party of Kyrgyzstan plans to enter the socialist international

Visitwinchestervirginia.com, 4 July 2016
The social democratic party of Kyrgyzstan (SDPK), created by the current President of Kyrgyzstan Almazbek Atambayev 23 years ago, plans to become a member of the Socialist international (si), said on Monday the Secretariat of the parliamentary faction of the party... Read more




SDPK members discuss the possible membership of Kyrgyzstan in the Socialist International

Kabar.kg, 4 July 2016
The delegation of the Social Democratic Party of Kyrgyzstan (SDPK) discussed possible membership of Kyrgyzstan in the Socialist International, the Secretariat of SDPK parliamentary faction reported... Read more



NDC Delegation Returns From Socialist International Conference 

GhanaPoliticsOnline.com, 6 July 2016
The high-powered delegation of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), which was led by General Secretary, Johnson Asiedu Nketiah, to attend an annual gathering of the Council of Socialist International (SI), has returned to Ghana... Read more


Asiedu Nketia leads NDC to attend Socialist International Conference

kasapafmonline.com, 1 July 2016
A high-powered delegation of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) left Accra today for Geneva to attend a Council Meeting of the Socialist International (SI) Forum... Read more


Oppressed Gambian Opposition Goes Abroad With Its Case

Kaironews.com, 3 July 2016
The Gambia’s oppressed opposition United Democratic Party (UDP) is not ignoring any slightest chance to strengthen its international campaign, aimed at soliciting support and solidarity as well as paint a true picture of the Gambia’s self-styled dictator... Read more


SocialisInternational officially supports the Kurdistan Peshmerga forces and their right to self-determination 

KDP, 2 July 2016
During the second day of the Socialist International concerned in Geneva where a Kurdistan Democratic Party delegation led by Hemin Hawrami is participating at... Read more

L’Internationale Socialiste rend hommage au Président, Secrétaire général du Front Polisario Mohamed Abdelaziz

Sahara Press Service, 3 July 2016
Le Conseil de l’Internationale Socialiste a rendu un hommage à la mémoire du Président Mohamed Abdelaziz, SG du Front Polisario, le qualifiant de  "leader africain qui a dédié toute sa vie  à la paix, la justice... Read more



Tchad : démocratie ? L’internationale socialiste en doute

Afrik.com, 6 July 2016
L’élection présidentielle tchadienne du 10 avril dernier a permis à Idriss Déby de rester au pouvoir, lui qui est arrivé à la tête de son pays le 2 décembre 1990... Read more



La Internacional Socialista emite nuevo comunicado sobre la crisis venezolana

Informate365.com.ve, 2 July 2016
La Internacional Socialista emitió un nuevo comunicado sobre la situación de Venezuela, que consideran se ha agravado... Read more


Reunión del Consejo de la Internacional Socialista en la ONU

PRI, 10 July 2016
Desde el año 2003, el PRI es miembro pleno directo de la Internacional Socialista, lo cual nos ha permitido tener voz y voto en los dictámenes y resoluciones de la misma... Read more


PDT defende fortalecimento da democracia na reunião da Internacional Socialista 

pdtnacamara.com.br, 8 July 2016
O presidente PDT, Carlos Lupi,e os deputados Weverton Rocha (MA),líder do partido na Câmara, e André Figueiredo(CE), participaram, na última semana, da reunião anual do conselho da Internacional Socialista (IS), na sede da Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU), em Genebra, na Suíça... Read more